Primitive and
Important & Rare Gilt Bronze Belt Hook, China, Warring States Period
Rare & Important Statue of Buddha, Early Ming Dynasty, 14th Century
Statue of Bodhisattva Manjusri, China, Ming Dynasty
Statue of Wenshu, China, Late Yuan/Early Ming Dynasty
Rare Group of Three Tang Dynasty Belt Plates
Bronze Statue of Kuan Yin, China, Yuan/Early Ming Dynasty
Rare Head of Fuxi, China, Ming Period
Gilt Bronze Miniature Statue of Padmapani, China, Tang Dynasty
A Group of Three Gilt Bronze Mat Weights, China, Han Dynasty
Ivory Seal, China, Ming Dynasty
Very Rare Miniature Statue of Kuan Yin, China,Ca. 6th C.
Small Gilt Bronze Buddhist Altar, China, Northern Wei
Rare & Important Glass Fibula, China, Qing Dynasty
Portable Buddhist Altar, Wei Dynasty
Miniature Gilt Bronze Statue of Avalokiteshvara, China, Sui Dynasty
Important & Rare Taoist Temple Banner
Statue of a Dignitary, China, Ming Dynasty
Statue of Crowned Buddha, China, Early Qing Dynasty